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Artisan is a powerful command-line interface included with the Laravel. Dismiss Be notified of new releases. For LTS releases, such as Laravel 6, bug fixes are provided for 2 years and security fixes are provided for 3 years.
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This view is rendered before any of your application's dependencies have loaded. This can lead to your migration directory becoming bloated with potentially hundreds of migrations. How to determine that? Closure based event listeners may now be registered by only passing the Closure to the Event::listen method. Laravel Jetstream is a beautifully designed application scaffolding for Laravel. If you have a website that is running with content management system CMS built from Laravel framework and hosted securely on a VPS hosting server, chances is that you maybe asked by your programmer about the version in use..
How to check your laravel version: Step 1: Follow the path below and go to that folder. Laravel 1 has some in-built features such as authentication, eloquent ORM for database operations, localization, models and relationships, simple routing mechanism, caching, sessions, views, extendibility through modules and libraries, and HTML helpers. Laravel's job batching feature allows you to easily execute a batch of jobs and then perform some action when the batch of jobs has completed executing.
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If you utilize the php artisan down command during deployment, your users may still occasionally encounter errors if they access the application while your Composer dependencies or other infrastructure components are updating.
Sometimes you may not have terminal access of server-hosted Laravel application. Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override. General release of 5. In fact, it's one of the fastest micro-frameworks available.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 1. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Model factory classes were contributed by Taylor Otwell. This release will include two years of bug fixes and three years of security patches. So we should in this case choose 5. Check Laravel Version in File. As you build your application, you may accumulate more and more migrations over time.
Just for your reference, how the Laravel Release process works. In this post, we will take a sneak peek into the latest version of the Laravel to learn about its advances, exciting features. The documentation starts with sentence "Laravel Translation is a package for Laravel 5". Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework Laravel's base feature test class now includes helpers that allow you to manipulate the current time: Artisan serve improvements were contributed by Taylor Otwell.
Eloquent model factories have been entirely re-written as class based factories and improved to have first-class relationship support. Laravel is a Trademark of Taylor Otwell. Questions 1 - 7 Complete the summary using the list of words, A-K, below. Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes on your answer sheet. Despite a lack of exposure to, for instance, social definitions of beauty, 1 are still able to determine which faces are attractive.
The 2 is seen by many as the definition of beauty and can be expressed not only in faces but also in paintings and 3. One key factor to beauty is 4 which is seen 5 as a reflection of someone's health and strength.
One study of volunteers showed that 6 had little effect on how the participants saw beauty. High cheekbones in girls are the result of increased levels of 7 and are also considered to be a sign of beauty. A perception. Questions 8 - 12 Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? In , a nineteen-year old student decided he wanted a fast and efficient way to share his favourite songs with his friends.
But, he didnt just want to make compilation tapes on cassettes. He wanted to do the sharing via the computer. The result was Napster. A file sharing community that allowed Shawn Fanning and his friends to share all the mp3 files they ripped from their CD collections with each otherand 60 million other users.
The rest would be history, if it were not for one small issue what they were doing was illegal. At first, that stopped no one. Napster clones with marginally different peer-to-peer clientserver architectures appeared. Gnutella networks, eDonkey, AudioGalaxy, Kazaa, FastTrack, Grokster, Limewire, Morpheus, BearShare, and countless others emerged totalling hundreds of millions of users sharing billions of megabytes of files.
This was still years before the advent of BitTorrent networks. Figures have shown repeatedly that the rise of Napster and its ilk had actually caused a resurgence in lacklustre CD sales.
Many users download lots of tracks but then buy the complete album on CD for the sake of having something more tangible to own. The whole filesharing culture has also, it is claimed, boosted interest in music in much the same way that. Nevertheless, it was inevitable that the copyright holders were going to be a little less than pleased with P2P. With support and advocacy from certain artists themselves, most notably Metallicas Lars Ulrich and Dr.
Dre, the record industry began to fight this cultural sea change. Napster was shut down under court order and many of the other early P2P systems followed. However, others sprang up to replace them almost as quickly as others were knocked down. The development of Bit Torrent has added a whole new approach to file sharing veiled with a layer of legitimacy. In the meantime, more savvy agencies, namely Apple Corp and a Russian site going by the name of Allofmp3. The difference between these paid-for downloads Allofmp3 s dubious international legality aside and the original incarnation of Napster is that users had to pay and royalties were apparently passed on to the record companies, and one would hope, the artists themselves.
Ultimately, the Napster name was resurrected as a paid-for service endorsed by the record industry and others followed suit. At this point in download history, there were paid-for services such as Apples iTunes, These are still possibly of dubious legitimacy but offer much cheaper downloads than most of the Western companies and of course the dozens of P2P file sharing systems, including the Gnutella system and the vast numbers of BitTorrent users and the torrent search sites like The Pirate Bay that service them.
So, there is a mix of legal, possibly illegal, and most certainly breaking copyright law sites and systems. However, there are millions of downloaders and dozens of offshore Internet sites to host the necessary search systems and hash files to allow P2P downloads. There is much controversy concerning the issue of music piracy over the Internet and the implementation of new information technology, he says, and points out that there has been a growing acceptance of paid for downloads in the user community.
But, downloading free music today is, he emphasizes, just as popular as it was when Napster was first fired up to allow people to swap music for free. One reason it is still so popular is because it is quicker to download software on a file-sharing program, rather than drive to a store and physically buy it. The P2P option also displaces. However, there is an ethical side to the argument on the side of the P2P users. Record companies have traditionally fixed music product prices to avoid competing with each other and to maximize their profits, Smith argues.
It is perhaps not surprising that music lovers have taken up against this perception of self-serving corporate greed that, apparently, does not provide an equitable arrangement for the majority of employed artists. More to the point, not all musicians wanted to see an end to Napster and its ilk. Many wanted Napster to remain online so that their music could be heard. This was an especially common thought among smaller bands and artists. Governments are going to have to take some rather draconian and inevitably unpopular measures to close down all illegal file sharing systems.
But, even then, just as successor after successor emerged following the Napster debacle, those who want to find a way to get downloads for free will find a way.
Perhaps the record industry needs to reinvent its out-moded business model which still hinges on the record store approach and attitude. Maybe they will find a profitable approach to music sharing that is equitable for artist, company, and music fan alike.
Questions 13 - 17 Answer the questions below. Questions 18 - 21 Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G below. Write the correct letter A-G, in boxes on your answer sheet. B is a cultural sea of change. C is nice to have something you can touch.
D is all through Bit Torrent now. E is less than ethical. Write the correct letters in boxes on your answer sheet. NB Your answer may be given in any order. Which TWO people, or groups of people, support the downloading of music? Dre F copyright holders G P2P clients. Questions 24 - 26 Answer the questions below. Write the correct number, i-x, in boxes on your answer sheet. They had for the most part come through the quake but now they were nothing but dry kindling for the fire to consume.
This quake was estimated at a magnitude of from 7. The main shock, lasting from forty-seven seconds to almost one minute, occurred about two miles offshore from this major Californian city.
According to the U. Weather Bureau on Post Street in San Francisco, the quake was felt over an area of about , square miles. The idea was to destroy burnable structures before the fire itself could reach them and continue on with its destruction.
It was later believed by many that this action only served to encourage the fire that raged for three more days. Fault, California's largest fault that is laced with other faults, from both north and south, for some miles.
It was also felt as far inland as central Nevada. The San Andreas Fault had slipped all the way from Fort Bragg, in the northern portion of the state, to the lower portion of Southern California. After the main quake, one hundred and twenty aftershocks were felt that same day.
It is estimated that the fires that followed the quake, many a direct result of the quake, did more outright damage than the actual earthquake. C Following the quake, gas mains were twisted, and broken and hundreds of gas lanterns and burning candles fell. Because of these two factors, fires were set all over San Francisco almost instantly.
In the northeast, the most heavily populated portion of the city, some fifty separate fires were soon burning out of control. Fire control was almost impossible. The water mains that ran up to the city, from some thirty miles to the south, were broken. The San Francisco Fire Department, its chief injured in the quake and dying, was helpless.
Soon, the various fires merged into two major blazes that burned in three directions. By the afternoon, the financial district was a mass of flames. As evening approached, the blazes had become an enormous firestorm which created a devastating wind. Ninety percent of San Francisco's residences. D The army was called in to control looting but soon had an idea of its own to stop the fires. There were two major factors for the misrepresentation of the death toll. The original low figure is said to have been given by government officials.
Their reasoning, it is believed, was that they felt if they reported the correct death toll it would damage real estate prices as well as efforts in rebuilding San Francisco.
The second instance of misrepresenting the death toll was that, although there were hundreds of casualties in San Francisco's Chinatown, these deaths were not considered to matter due to racism at the time.
Also, there were deaths in various locations across the San Francisco Bay area. With a population of some ,, it was the largest city on the entire West Coast. Because of the earthquake, somewhere between , and , people were left homeless. About half of these people fled to other areas across the Bay including Oakland and Berkeley. Refugee camps were soon erected, the biggest being in Golden Gate Park. Also, the Presidio, as well as the beaches between Ingleside and North Beach, became covered with tents.
As late as , two years after the San Francisco Earthquake, many of the refugee camps were still occupied. Questions 32 - 38 Complete the summary below. The epicentre of the earthquake in was approximately two miles from the coastline of San Francisco. The fault line responsible for this runs 32 from north to south but also splits into many other fault lines.
As devastating as the quake was, more damage is said to have been caused by Many of the fires were caused by falling Controlling the fire was an impossible task because of a lack of 35 and the use of 36 only made the problem worse. The low death toll was issued by 37 to try to stop property prices falling and because people in Chinatown were not included in the fatalities. Up to 38 people were left homeless.
Questions 39 - 40 Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? Barbie Around the World Barbie started as a toy, the kind of toy that got whisked off store shelves faster than Mattel, the doll's first maker.
Now, thanks to Barbie, the world's largest toy manufacturer can restock those shelves. Barbie's star rose with post-war U. Barbie never got pregnant, fat, or old. She stood her own in stores as the mute, brassy standard not just of beauty but of lifestyle.
Around the world, she became an icon aspired to by both mothers and their daughters; mothers and daughters who, no matter what size, shape, colour, language or culture, identified desperately with the rich, blond Barbie from that rich, blond country.
With their purchasing power they voted against their own perceived repulsive shapes, colours, and cultural identity. Barbie the bimbo, Barbie the liberated woman, it didn't matter. Barbie found herself in the bizarre position of defining culture. While there have been significant and frequent Yankee Go Home uprisings, wars of liberation, and all sorts of anti-imperial hatred spewed and spat at the United States since it first asserted itself as a world power, there has been no corresponding popular movement against the Barbie culture.
Book burnings, flag burnings, hostage taking, terrorist bombs and hijacking, all were aimed to force the Yankee home forever. Barbie, however, maintained her hegemony. Barbie has not only survived the flames; she has been rescued from them by women everywhere yearning to be free, beautiful, and cosmopolitan - just like Barbie. So tenacious is Barbie's popularity that government ministries of culture and moody consumer associations have stepped in with strategies to control or alter the appetites of its female citizens.
The doll's blond, leggy and non-Asian appearance promotes the wrong aesthetics, they said. Also the Barbie doll does not encourage creativity, and the use of imagination in children, because dolls are "fixed" and ready-made. The proposal immediately drew strong and angry reactions from the local press and members of the public.
Whether this is because of doll demand or of public distaste for bureaucratic intervention in private consumption habits is open for debate. In Iran, the government condemned the forever young and childless-by-choice Barbie and her long-time boyfriend Ken.
No plans for marriage Barbie doesn't define herself in relation to children or family as Iranian women supposedly do. Banning the pair hasn't worked, so the government has come up with a pair of its own, allegedly more suited to Iranian culture. Sara and Dara, who are brother and sister, were designed and marketed by the government-sponsored Amusement Department of the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults.
Meanwhile, Barbie dolls openly sell During an era when the world is seeking to reclaim its cultures, Mattel has done its entrepreneurial share to churn out multicultural dolls to counter the criticism that Barbie is too one-dimensional in her tall blondness.
After all, if only 15 percent of U. American women are natural blond, how many could there possibly be in the world? Not that Mattel has targeted these brown, black, yellow Barbies to an international audience reflecting those skin tones; Mattel's marketing has been to young girls, presumably white girls in suburbs who can now play with Japanese, Mexican, and Indian Barbies, and "learn more about history and different cultures.
Yes, consumers can now buy darker-haired, darker-skinned Barbies but without the ethnic features that distinguish the darker-skinned women of the world. The fact that Mexican Barbie is brown may be even more insidious if Mexican girls think they must grow up to be tall, thin, buxom, and leggy.
African-American Barbies have lighter skin than most of the black population, playing into an often-heard complaint of black women that the lighter their skin, the more attractive they are. And Barbie, no matter what her colour, continues to be clothed in attire that proclaims her trendy, swinging, independently wealthy lifestyle. Take, for example, the recent line of Filipina Barbie dolls. She's called "Philippine Island Barbie. Nor do the best-selling Barbies smile any more.
After all, the toothy-grinned Barbie of yesterday fails to capture the "mystique" of today's modern woman. No matter what their culture or colour, how heavy or slim, women around the world will be laced into the corset of the beauty myth if Barbie is their symbol of freedom. If Barbie seems to be free, maybe it's because doors open for that certain woman who is impossibly tall, impossibly blond, who always wears the right outfit, and keeps her mouth shut.
Questions 1 - 7 Complete the table below. Questions 8 - 11 Answer the questions below. Questions 12 - 13 Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? Write your answer in box 14 on your answer sheet. Development Economics Research of the United Nations University shows that wealth creation is remarkably, one might say, criminally, unequal. That leaves very little for the remaining 90 percent of the global population.
Could it be any worse? Yes, the rich are still getting richer, more millionaires are becoming billionaires. As to the world's lower class: the bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1 percent of global wealth, defined as net worth: the value of physical and financial assets less debts.
Over a billion poor people subsist on less than one dollar a day. Every day, according to UNICEF, 30, children die due to poverty - that's over 10 million children killed by poverty every year! Global economic apartheid is killing people. Here are data showing some of the variations among nations.
Averages, of course, are very deceiving. As to wealth inequality, the richest 10 percent of people in the U. In other words, China has much more economic equality, though that is changing quickly.
Recall, all these data are for , and would be much higher now, because of the steady trend of the rich becoming richer. The statistical measure of inequality is the Gini value, which measures inequality on a scale from zero total equality to one complete inequality. For income, it ranges from.
Wealth inequality is usually much greater, typically between. This reflects the greater difficulty in accumulating wealth capital than increasing income. Two high wealth economies, Japan and the United States, show very different patterns of wealth inequality, with Japan having a low wealth Gini of.
The incomes of the top fifth of the Japanese population are only three times that of the bottom fifth, compared to nine times in the U. Japan has little economic apartheid compared to the U. Yet both countries have a huge number of wealthy people. Of the wealthiest 10 percent in the world percent are merican and These two countries are even stronger among the richest 1 percent of individuals in the world, with 37 percent residing in the U.
The point is that despite high numbers of very wealthy people, economic apartheid is absent in Japan and abysmal in the U. We can explain the difference between Japan and the U. People can save and accumulate wealth for future economic security, or can borrow and spend like mad to accumulate possessions.
According to a report, only 41 percent of American families save regularly, making wealth creation difficult. America's national savings rate - which includes corporate savings and government budget deficits - is only about To a limited degree, elitist powers can engineer modest improvements in income among the global poor, but stark wealth inequality will probably worsen, considering the political power of the rich.
As worldwide communications increasingly make the obnoxious wealth of the upper class more visible, even modest increases in income are unlikely to satisfy the vast majority of the global population without wealth.
We need to see economic apartheid as lethal and repulsive as racial apartheid. Global wealth inequality is higher still. The study estimates that the global wealth Gini for adults is 0. The same degree of inequality would be obtained if one person in a group of. Questions 15 - 17 Complete the table below. Questions 18 - 23 Complete the table below. Questions 24 - 27 Complete the table below. The Chicken Tikka Masala Story Organisers of National Curry Week claim that if all the portions sold in one year in the UK were stacked on top of each other they would constitute a tikka tower 2, times taller than the Greenwich Millennium Dome and yet in an article in The Daily Telegraph in November , journalist mit Roy referred to it as a dish which does not exist in Indian cuisine So the question is is it a genuine Indian dish or isn t it The name of this enigma Chicken Tikka Masala the flagship dish of ritain s newly acclaimed national cuisine boasting a huge of the sales of the almost half a million curries consumed, on average, in the restaurants and homes of the United Kingdom every day of the year.
Chicken Tikka Masala, or CTM as it was affectionately dubbed by writer Colleen Grove in Spice n Easy Magazine in November is one of those culinary fables that lend a touch of intrigue and excitement to an already exotic cuisine. Amit Roy was quite correct to observe that the dish does not hail from India and that it was specifically created to appeal to the British palate by some very astute restaurateurs.
This much is not in doubt but when one moves on to the history of the dish, fact becomes fiction and depends on just who one talks to. No Indian chef seems to have produced any real evidence that he or she first invented the dish and it is commonly thought that its invention came about almost by accident.
Journalist and restaurateur Iqbal Wahhab claims it was created when a Bangladeshi chef produced a dish of traditional Chicken Tikka only to be asked Where s my gravy The response was supposedly a can of cream of tomato soup and a few spices and the masala element was born Top food writer Charles Campion refers to CTM as a dish invented in London in the Seventies so that the ignorant could have gravy with their chicken tikka Several chefs have made claim to the invention of CTM but none with any evidence or witness support so the mystery will have to remain.
The descendents of Sultan Ahmed Ansari, who owned the Taj Mahal in Glasgow claim he invented it in the s, but there is no other evidence of the dish at this early date or of the tandoor in Glasgow. The tandoor, which boosted tikka sales, had not even arrived in Britain at that time, having only been introduced to the first Indian restaurant, Moti Mahal in New Delhi in He worked with a local man to produce the first restaurant version of the tandoor and invented a tandoori spice mix for tandoori chicken - ground coriander seeds, black pepper and mild red pepper.
Famed for its Tandoori Chicken, the cooks there used to recycle the leftover chicken juices in the marinade trays by adding butter and tomato. This sauce was then tossed around with the tandoor-cooked chicken pieces and presto - Butter Chicken was ready!
The leftover dish appealed to Delhites and was quickly lapped up by the rest of the world. A lowly waiter at the time he remembers wondering just what the dish was. CTM was introduced to Waitrose by G. Znaci ako niste znali dobili smo jos jedan novi jezik:"Montenegrinian"! Jos samo da Crnogorci sklepaju nove izraze i fraze tog fantomskog jezika i mogu da proglase nezavisnu republiku!
Uticaj etera ako i nije garancija, ali je bar uslov za uspeh. Ambient - jedan od izuma Brian Eno radionice. Atonalna muzika - koja nastaje, kada kompozitor zaboravi u kom tonalitetu komponuje.
Backbeat - ritam kome se svi podrede. Od toga ima samo jedno bolje - "ulaznica na celu teritoriju. Bluegrass - vrsta country stila, sa prefinjenom banjo i gitarskom tehnikom, gde se na prste stavljaju metalni nokti. Bill Monroe i The Scruggs. Boogie - rock-ritam, bazira na stilu boogie-woogie-ja iz tih god. Kamerna muzika - manje muz. Johann Sebastian Bach - Sredinom Ovi intervali se nazivaju jednostavni intervali.
Vrste intervala. Intervali se mogu obrtati. Postoje dva osnovna pravila za obrtanje intervala: 1 Zbir osnovnog i intervala u obrtaju je uvek devet. Ovo stvara septimu iznad osnovnog tona akorda. On je vrlo uverljivi predstavnik dominantne funkcije. Za dodavanje jednog tona trozvuku koriste se ekvivalentni intervali.
Upotrebljavani su kroz celu istoriju muzike. Veliko slovo. Trougao pored slova. I modus. Jonski ion na 1.
III modus. Frigijski na 3. Corea: La fiesta; M. Davis: Sketches Of Spain. Najbolji akord: em7 ; em7b9 ; em4b9 ; ili susb9. IV modus. Lidijski na 4. Najbolji akord: Cmaj7. V modus. Mixolidijski na 5. VII modus. Lokrijski na 7. Izbegavati ton C. Najbolji akord: hm7b5. Tako dobijaju i nazive: II modus mel. Najbolji akord: Cmaj 5 IV modus mel. Najbolji akord: D7b5 V modus mel. Najbolji akord: E7 VI modus mel.
Najbolji akord: F poluumanjeni. Primer G alt. Najbolji akord: G7 9 5 ili G7 9 ili G7alt. Naravno, to nije ni malo lako, ide sporije "u glavu", pogotovo kada se upotrebljavaju razni tonaliteti. Negativni akcent - je vrsta manira. Fraziranje je usko vezano sa drugim muz. A cappela, ital. Allemande, fr. Ako nema preludijuma, onda je I stav svite. Ansambl, ensemble, fr. Neopisna muzika. Suprotan pojam - programska muzika.
Suprotno - relativan sluh. Arija - 1. Suprotno - diminucija. Balet 1. Bariton - 1. Sinonim za Eufonium; 4. Vrsta saksafona, oboe, klarineta, horne. Bach, G. Hendl, A. Vivaldi, A. Ramo, F. Kupren, Alesandro i Domeniko Skarlati i dr. Sinonim: kontrabas; donja deonica polifonog ili harmonskog stava. Bure, bouree, fr. Cimbalo Cymbal, lat. Zvuk se dobija udaranjem tasa o tas.
Da kapo al Fine da capo al Fine, ital. Suprotno: augmentacija. Suprotnog karaktera od moll-a. Echo - odjek. Sinonim: reverbacija. Engleski valcer english valtz, eng.
Cis-Des, Dis-Es. Tema u osnovnom tonalitetu zove se d u k s dux , a u tonalitetu dominante k o m e s comes. Deo fuge u kome se javljaju duks i komes onoliko puta koliko ima glasova u kompoziciji, zove se ekspozicija fuge.
Iza ekspozicije sledi razradni razvojni deo u kome se Tema javlja u raznim tonalitetima i modifikovana po pravilima kontrapunkta - d i m i n u c i j i, a u g m e n t a c i j i, i n v e r z i j i, s t r e t u itd. Gavotte, ital. Generalbass, nem. Glissando, ital. Ti napevi su jednoglasni. Harmonizacija - dodavanje akordske pratnje nekoj melodiji. Harmonika - 1. Usna harm. U novije vreme se proizvode i hromatske harmonike.
Desna svira melodiju visoke tonove , a leva bass i akorde niske tonove. Harmonijum - instrument sa klavijaturom srodan orguljama. Ima manje registara od orgulja, a tonovi su mu slabijeg intenziteta od orguljskih. Najprimitivniji oblik variranja neke melodije. Suprotno: polifonija. Hor - 1. Deonice: tenor I i II, bariton i bas. Horna Horn, nem. Horne bez ventila izvode samo prirodne alikvotne tonove od Horne sa ventilima izvode sve hromatske tonove. Intermezzo, ital. Kadril — quadrille, franc.
Kancona canzone, ital. Kanconeta canzonetta, ital. Postoje crkvene i svetovne kantate. Kavatina cavatina, ital. Koda coda, ital. Kolegijum muzikum Collegium musicum, lat. Komes comes, lat. Suprotno: duks dux. Koncertantan — u stilu koncerta. Kontrapunkt contrapunctus, lat. Koralpreludijum choralpreludium, lat. Kornet cornet, cornetto, ital. Kvartet — kamerni sastav za 4 instrumenta ili glasa.
Klavirski: klavir i gud. Kvintet — kamerni sastav za 5 instrumenta ili ljudskih glasova. Liturgija — 1. Kasnije se javlja i dramski madrigal sa dijalozima i dramatizovanim delovima, kao predhodnik opere i oratorijuma. Manual — obzirom da se na orguljama svira na tastaturama i nogama i nekoliko za sviranje rukama, te tastature klavijature za ruke zovu se — manual.
Motus lat. Nauka o muz. Ima sve elemente opere, ali su delovi oratorijuma znatno manje povezani dramskom fabulom. Ostinato ital. Pasakalja passacaglia, ital. Pastorale — 1. Instrumentalana forma baroknih kompozitora lirskog karaktera; 3. Sistem oznaka za pauze odgovara sistemu notnog trajanja. Shema male dvodelne pesme je: a a b b. Pijanino - "uspravni klavir". Picikato pizzicato, ital.
Suprotno — arko arco. Ima je i u drugim narodima pod istim nazivom. Preludij, preludijum, prelid Uvodni stav u sviti, stav ispred fuge, itd. Gallus, L. Marenzio, G. Gabrieli i dr. Ritmika — 1. Wagnera i njegovih sledbenika. Ima tri vrste ronda I R efren , K uplet , E pizoda. Serenada — 1. Simfonija — sonata za orkestar. Skerco, skerzo. Solmizacija — pevanje notnog teksta tzv. Svita, suite — niz igara povezanih jedinstvenim tonalitetom i kontrastima u tempu i karakteru.
Sinonim: partita. Tempo — brzina pulsiranja toka taktovih jedinica u jednoj kompoziciji. Taj niz je i osnova za tonalitet. Ako je tonika C i od nje gradimo lestvicu, zove se C-dur. Tuti tutti, ital. Oscilatorji so trgovski signali, ki signalizirajo, kdaj je valuta prekupljena ali preprodana.
Ta indikator bolj sledi cenam, kot pa da bi jih prehiteval. V naslednjem grafu vidite primer indikatorja MACD. Uporabljajo se za identifikacijo cenovnih vrhov in dna. Zgornja meja traku se vodi enako kot srednja krivulja, samo, da je premaknjena navzgor za dva standardna odklona. Welles Wilder z namenom odstranitve pomanjkljivosti drugih sistemov pri opazovanju trenda.
Trgovcem pomaga, da relativno hitro zaznajo nove trge. Indeks RSI je razvil J. Welles Wilder kot sistem, ki ponuja trenutne nakupne in prodajne signale na valutnem trgu. Ta informacija je prenesena vrednost od 0 do Prekupljenost RSI nad 70 pomeni, da na trgu ni skoraj nobenih kupcev. The impact factor represents a rough estimation of the journal's impact factor and does not reflect the actual current impact factor.
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The purpose of the study is to show if there are any differences between the British English of tourism and the New Zealand English from a globalising perspective. The study was carried out on a relatively small corpus of tourism terms 91 , which we lexicographical point of view. The study shows that most of these terms are acronyms, probably due to the speed people need to communicate nowadays.
The study was limited by the fact that most of the tourism terms analysed cannot be found in English Language dictionaries. The practical implications of the study concern students in tourism economics: thus, they can get aware of the fact that though the English language spoken in New Zealand may seem identical to that spoken in Great Britain, the English of tourism may be considerably different. The originality of the paper consists in the fact that this is the first time such an inventory is being analysed in the Balkans.
Two main trends are being taken into consideration: the first one claims that globalisation is about to swipe out any national features, the second one claims quite the opposite. Finding out the truth can also be done through analysing different corpora of specialised terms such as the New Zealand English of tourism, for example. Within this corpus, we have identified a number of 91 tourism terms, among which acronyms deciphered and also explained and notional words.
Whilst in NZ, they organise their own travel as they go, do not travel as part of a tour group or on a coach tour. They may organise their own travel arrangements prior to or after arriving in NZ. Notional words and phrases. Another name for FIT travel. Wholesalers deal primarily with retailers, but sometimes also sell directly to the public.
The volume of travel to NZ is far greater during our summer and lower over winter. As for the 35 notional words and phrases, they seem to observe the definitions given by the World Tourism Organisation regulations, as they also meet the definitions given by any English language dictionary.
Though there are fears about globalisation wiping out any specific features, as far as the English of tourism is concerned, it is only half true, as one needs a specialised glossary to understand the numerous acronyms representing over half of the tourism terms used in the field of tourism in New Zealand, for example.
We can only hope that all the communities using one and the same language in our case, English will continue to produce specialised glossaries meant to help understanding the special meanings involved in using acronyms in particular and notional words and phrases in general. The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar. London-New York-Sydney-Toronto. Encyclopedic Edition. Ferguson Publishing Company.
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